Lent at St. Stephen's
New to Lent?
If the experience of Lent is new for you, check out our Lenten Primer, with lots of information about what this season is all about and how to observe it.
EpiscoPals guide to Lent
Take a journey with Jesus with our children's book for the season!
Living Well Through Lent
Sunday Forums meet in the Davis Common Room at 9:30am every Sunday morning. During Lent, we'll be working through Living Compass' Living Well Through Lent.
For Thine is the Kingdom
We gather on most Wednesday nights in Lent for our Lent Series: For Thine is the Kingdom. Join us for Evening Prayer, a soup and bread dinner, and formation sessions about the kingdom of God.
The Reconciliation of a Penitent
Part of the sacrament life of Episcopalians is the confession of our sins. If you would like to make an appointment with our clergy for a private confession, please use the form at the link below.
Hope in the Midst of Struggle
Join us for our Lent Retreat Day on March 29th from 9am til 2pm. Hope in the Midst of Struggle will be our theme, and we'll gather for prayer, reflection, spiritual practices, and group sharing time.
We offer this time as something different, something that disrupts the pattern of our busy lives -- a time of fellowship with few words, with little noise, with lots of space and time to reflect.
We'll look to share our lunch -- bring a salad, soup or bread, or whatever else is comfortable. There is no cost, but please register by signing up in the hallway or contacting Catherine Wolfer (catherine.wolfer@gmail.com or 208-371-5956).
April 13th through 19th
In Holy Week, Christians observe the most sacred days of our calendar. Join us with opportunities for worship each day of this most holy time.
Are you new to St. Stephen's or the Episcopal Church? Come join our newcomer's group, Into the Fold, to learn more about our parish. Questions encouraged! Into the Fold meets next on Monday March 17th.
St. Stephen's aims to be a community which loves God and loves our neighbors. Our hope is to grow in faith, relationships, and joy! We have members of all ages, and we welcome diversity, questions, seekers, and all who are looking to follow Jesus.
Thanks for signing up!
We're a church on a mission to know Christ and make Christ known to others.
8:00am & 10:30am | Holy Eucharist
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00am | Morning Prayer
Noon | Holy Eucharist