

"intended by God for their mutual joy"

The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage

“Let their love for each other be a seal upon their hearts, a mantle about their shoulders, and a crown upon their foreheads.”

The Book of Common Prayer, p. 430


The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage is an occasion of great joy, and we’re delighted that you are considering St. Stephen’s for your wedding. In the Episcopal Church, marriage is a sacramental rite and a service of Christian worship in which a solemn and public covenant between two people is made before family, friends, and most importantly, in the presence of God.


At St. Stephen’s, the process of planning and officiating a wedding is led by the rector of the parish, The Rev. Dennis J. Reid. As per the canons of the Episcopal Church, Father Dennis meets with prospective couples for three pre-marital sessions to get to know the couple, discuss the nature of Christian marriage, and plan the service. The liturgy for the marriage rite is taken either from The Book of Common Prayer or the Episcopal Church’s approved supplemental resources. St. Stephen’s is a welcoming, inclusive, Episcopal church, and we welcome same-sex couples who are discerning the call to marriage.


St. Stephen’s sanctuary seats approximately 100 guests.


Fees associated with the planning and service are as follows:


Building Use (waived for members)             $300

Clergy Honorarium                                       $175

Organist Honorarium                                    $175

Sexton’s Cleaning                                         $50


Total                                                             $700


To inquire about holding your wedding at St. Stephen's, please be in touch with the office at (208) 375-3862 or email Father Dennis at

Thank you for considering St. Stephen’s for your wedding, and congratulations on your engagement!

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