The Rev. Tammy Jones
Who are you, and how are you serving in your local context for ministry?
The Rev. Deacon Tammy Jones, I serve at St. Matthew’s, Rupert and serve once a month at Good Shepherd, Fort Hall. This will be my 4th General Convention serving as a Deputy. I also attended General Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah as a volunteer.
I am serving on Committee 19- Title III Ministry for this General Convention. This is my second time serving on this committee.
Which resolutions/topics are you particularly interested in at GC81?
There are two Resolutions from Committee 19-Title III Ministry I will be following:
Resolution D023 – Support of AED (Association of Episcopal Deacons).
According to Church Pension Group there are now over 3,000 deacons in The Episcopal Church. The Diaconate is the fastest growing order of ordained ministry in the Church. As the sole professional organization for Episcopal deacons, AED is called upon to represent this order at all churchwide gatherings and to serve as a resource for programs and liturgies for those gatherings. This presence demands significant resources of the organization and of individual deacons, who often fund their own travel and related expenses. AED needs support from the Church to continue current programs and increase its reach and presence. This resolution is asking for $450,000.00 over a three-year period for the support.
Resolution D032 - Raising the Clergy Mandatory Retirement Age to 75
This Resolution is asking to change the mandatory retirement age from 72 to 75. The Explanation for this is as follows:
women and men are living longer (average life expectancy was 77.22 in 2020); and
age is not a determining factor in the effectiveness of those in clerical order to minister to the people of God; and many of those seeking ordination are responding to the call to ministry later in life and often deprived of the opportunity to share in the pension of the Episcopal Church; andthe Episcopal Church has endeavored to end prejudices that limit access to the ordained orders of ministries.
Both of these Resolutions were voted on by the committee to be taken off the Consent Calendar, which means they will both come to the floor for discussion and vote. Both of these Resolutions will first go before the House of Bishops. If the House of Bishops votes favorably on these Resolutions, they will then go to the House of Deputies for discussion and vote.
What do you hope the Church learns or does differently because of this General Convention?
I am hoping that General Convention is able to learn and teach us how to respond to an angry country and world.
I am most interested in the election of our new Presiding Bishop and the celebration and gratitude for the ministry of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.